I offer a relaxing yet rejuvenating massage treatment that calms aching muscles, relieves tension throughout the body, flushes the lymphatic system, corrects your alignment, boosts your immune system, and refreshes your whole being. Ayurvedic Lymphatic Massage uses warm, all natural oils that are blended with many herbs, specifically formulated to penetrate your tissues to help reduce inflammation, remove toxins, and rejuvenate the tissues and cells. Marma points and trigger points are used to help fully release the muscles, allowing your body to be more efficient and effective at draining itself even after you leave. This is by far the most relaxing way to detox your body. Each session is personally tailored to your needs. Medical Intuitive sessions take a look at you as a whole being, physical, mental, and emotional. I look at all of the body systems and organs, the chakras, where your emotional and mental blocks are residing and give a path to healing. and determine where the root of your issues is residing. When you just can’t seem to find the answers you’re looking for, or just want to do a check in and tune up, then please come to see me.