CoachMeAnywhere is your online Learning, Fitness & Adventure Community focused on our generation–Baby Boomers age 50-plus who have the desire to live a healthier life and make these the best years ever! This is it! Imagine yourself enjoying life, the way you envisioned 20 or 30 years ago. You are fit, you’re healthy, you’re active, you’re traveling – you’re Living Life…you’re living life BIG! Or…are you finding yourself preparing to enter this next phase of your life “unprepared” with regards to your own health and fitness? As always, other priorities have gotten in then way of your own health and well-being. Priorities like a career, family, kids. Well,……. Now it’s your turn. It’s time to make You your #1 priority. Start getting fit now with CoachMeAnywhere and enjoy life to the fullest! We can get you there!